Select Plan
The Select Plan tab allows the user to create a new or edit an existing Plan.
(Hover over with your mouse to see the sample image in full size.)
- No prerequisites.
Rules and Guidelines
- The newly-created Accrual Plan will automatically appear on this list once the user navigates to the next tab.
- When an existing Plan is used and the user navigates to the next page of the Wizard, the selected Plan's data will be loaded on the screen.
Field Information
Existing Accrual Method
Tick the 'New Accrual Plan' box to create a new Plan, or select an existing one from the list (if available).
Create New / Edits Existing Accrual Method
The fields below will be enabled when the 'New Accrual Plan' option is ticked:
Enter a unique code with up to 8 characters.
Enter a description with a maximum number of 256 characters.
Note that when 'Holiday' Plan is selected, this will be the only editable field in this section (i.e. the other two fields will be set to read-only).
Select a value from the dropdown list.
This field is automatically populated with a 'Holiday' value and then set to read-only if the user selects the 'Holiday' Plan.
Select the Next button to continue with the workflow. Cancel closes the Wizard.
Click this link --> Holiday Accrual Plan Wizard if you want to go to the Wizard's main page.